Recommencing Construction Work of Monastic Building 1

  Dear Friends and Benefactors, We would like to announce You, that with the help of the Divine Providence and your kind generosity, we are recommencing the construction work of the Monastic Building 1. In this year, we want to do the Exterior Finishing (complete Styrofoam system), Interior Finishing (Mechanized plaster and the first layer Read More …

Update: Final Cement Slab

Dear friends and benefactors, On the 25th of November we managed to finish the final cement slab that seals all the heating tubes, including the underfloor heating from the Chapel and monastic cells area. Also a styrofoam isolation system was included at the ground level before pouring the cement. Thank you very much for your Read More …

Update: Sanitary & Heating Plumbing Finished

Dear Friends and Benefactors, We would like to announce that on the 2nd of November, the team of plumbers finished their work for the current construction phase: the drainage, the main cold/hot water distribution and all the tubes including the underfloor heating. The whole system was tested under pressure and is ready for the next Read More …

Paschal Greeting – Feast of the Resurrection 2017

Direct Link Here: [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”The Great and Holy Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ”]