The Monastic Community of the Most Holy Trinity is a Greek Catholic monastery (of Byzantine rite) of eparchial right, in the Eparchy Lugoj, pastored by His Grace Bishop Alexandru Mesian. The monastery is surrounded by a beautiful forest scenery not far from a village called Giroc, near Timişoara (Timis County, Romania). The monastery covers an area of about 4 hectares, having a wooden chapel and a house consisting of four cells in the same structure, which provide a first step in the monastic life.
The Monastic building project, already started in the summer of 2013 in a first construction phase, offers the hope of development in future. The Community follows the authentic sources of the Eastern Christian Monasticism – the Gospel and the Early Church, and it is permanently relating to the Holy Spirit manifested through the voice of the apostolic Magisterium of our times.
In order for the monk to bring fruit and offer them to the others, it is necessary to continually look for the balance between the inner and outer vicissitudes of life, between silence and speaking, between the Liturgy and contemplation, between solitude and community, isolation and hospitality. Being aware of the fact that he has received freely, he has to freely give, at the same time being permanently watchful with the inner treasure of his heart, the inner life of grace. So the monk follows the commandment of love for God, on the vertical, and love of the neighbor, horizontally. The latter is the test of the first.
The monk lives the mystery of presence of the Beloved in faith, hope and love; he is endlessly praying for everything and everybody; he is always building the brotherhood together with the other monks, after the model of the Holy Trinity and of the family of Nazareth. The monks keep their heart and mind open, looking for the unity of the spirit, forgiving each other and carrying each other’s loads. They are doing this in love and respect for each other, being protected by the Mother of God. Feeling close to the poor and the helpless, like Jesus, they share in a way the denial of the world but at the same time they know that the world couldn’t survive without the charisma of the monks – which, if lived authentically, is nothing but the sum of the exigencies of the divine love according to the Gospel. So, the monks are very vulnerable – just like the infants, like Jesus, but at the same time they are supported by grace and by the peace of the Holy Spirit and they are caressed by the presence and the prayers of the Mother of God. They live the spirit of the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount and they stay vigilant waiting for the transfiguration of the entire world in the light of the Resurrection.
We can call these the ideals of our community, that keeps being open (the sacred hospitality) to all those that the Lord invites to share its life, in the form of retreat, of help with the work or in the discerning of a possible vocation.
- Iconostasis in St. Elijah Chappel