Dear friends and benefactors, we would like to call upon your generosity, inviting you to be a part of this project. It is a project that began long ago and that today with the help of God’s grace, it has begun to materialize. We believe although, that only through the help of Divine Providence can we continue to progress in the project, so your help is priceless.. You can contribute either to achieve a stage through financial support or to purchase some building materials, or you can work effectively with us – in any case, we know that the grace of such a project will be on us all, and we to offer spiritual and cultural life together hearts, minds and our resources. No amount is too small for such a project that we truly believe in.
You may want to contribute to one of its stages of realization, through financial support, weather it be the acquisition of construction material, or maybe simply to work alongside us – in any case, we know that the blessing of such a project will pour upon all those near and far, giving us the privilege to contribute together through our offering to the enriching of the spiritual and cultural life in these times of great changes.
Contact Page and Donation Info:
Phone Home: + 40 724 58O 771
e-mail: fratiisfcr @ gmail. com
Address: Comunitatea Monastică „Preasfânta Treime”,
str. Pusta, nr. 2, Comuna Giroc, 307220, județ Timiș, România
Website (Currently under construction)
Facebook Page (regularly updated news and photos)
GPS location: +45° 39′ 4.53″, +21° 15′ 59.84″
Google Maps: Comunitatea Monastica Preasfanta Treime, Giroc
comuna GIROC; str. PUSTA; nr. 2
Tel fix: + 40 724 58O 771
email: manastire @ preasfantatreime .ro